Sunday, January 29, 2006

Here we go again…..

January 18th 2006, 2025B

It really doesn’t feel like it’s only been four days since I updated this. Ok, so today has been a long & at times rather trying day which might be colouring my perceptions, but it really feels like it was last week sometime that I sat down with this last, and not just the other day. Then again, I guess Sunday would actually be “last week”, but you know what I mean lol

I guess it’s that countdown feeling that’s stretching things out & making the days seem longer, & it doesn’t help that it looks like the dates have gone and changed again so that I don’t actually know how long I have left to go here. I guess I should have kept my big mouth shut in that last post, & on the phone to people, ‘cause sure as shit I went and jinxed things. You know what, I think I’m going to hold off telling people when I’ll be home, & for how long, until I’m actually at home, in my flat, in bloody Durban.

At least that way, when I call my friends & say “Hey, let’s get together, drink more than is healthy, & catch up a little of the last 6 months,” I’ll be fairly certain that I won’t have to call back later and say “Yeah, about that date for drinks…….I’m really sorry, but can I take a rain-check till the army makes up its fucking mind what it’s doing with me?”

And as tired as I am of continually having to disappoint my friends, I’m even more tired of not knowing what the putty is happening myself. This uncertainty & inability to plan, the bloody goal-posts that keep moving, is getting right on my tits, let me tell you. And let’s just not go anywhere near whether or not I’ll be staying another 6 months either.

But enough of that. Otherwise things are going quite well, & I’m thoroughly enjoying being back in Mwaro. The weather here has been beautiful the last few days, if bloody cold at night, & the greatly diminished “asshole quotient” when compared to Bujumbura has done wonders for my blood pressure. I spent most of today in the capital though, having a raging argument with the HR people about my outstanding allowances from last year, which I really could have done without. But let’s just say that nobody was happy with the outcome of that little discussion, & leave it at that – I really don’t feel like getting all pissed off again by going into it here. It was a lovely day for a drive, the change in routine was welcome, and I also had chance for a quick chat with Rob, so at least it wasn’t an entirely wasted day.

Mostly I’ve spent my time reading, or working my way through Baldur’s Gate 2 again for about the 3rd time this month – I keep getting to a point about half way through, & then deciding to try things a different way. It’d be frustrating if it wasn’t for the fact that there’s so much depth & scope to that game, & it’s helping the time pass, so I’m not going to complain. It’ll still be good to get home though, so that I can get my hands on all the new software that I’ve ordered over the last few months. It’s probably going to be awhile after I get home before I spend any time in front of a pc though, as I’ve got a lot of catching up to do with my friends first lol

And trust me when I say that I really can’t wait to see everyone again, that I’ve been away too long by far.

Speaking of catching up with friends, someone I’m very keen on getting in touch with is Nicole, as I’ve not heard from her since Christmas & I’m starting to get a little worried about it. Chances are it’s just the cell operator here losing messages & so on again, but I’ll be a lot happier when I’ve heard from her & know that she’s well.

Anyway, I’m going to have to end this off for now though, as the sleepy drugs are starting to kick in & the world is getting just a little blurry. I’ll try catch up again soon, but cheers for now ;)

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