Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Ho ho ho…

December 29th 2005, 1010B

It’s been awhile since I last updated this, & in all likelihood this is only going to be a short entry as I can’t say that I have much of anything to put down here.

Then again, times I’ve said that before I’ve ended up typing up a 4 page behemoth of a post, so I guess we’ll see.

Christmas has come and gone, and we’re almost into the New Year. I hope everyone reading this has had enjoyed their festive season so far, and has a great time on New Year. I imagine that there’ll be a number of parties going on, with sore heads to follow the next morning, but I hope everyone has fun, & I’m looking forward to seeing the photos that I’m sure will be taken.

I’d like to say thanks again to everyone who sent messages on Christmas, & I really appreciate that pretty much all my friends took the time to send at least one. Shirlz in particular tried really hard to get through on the phone, but the cell provider here decided to be uncooperative, & I could neither receive, nor make, calls at all on the day. I guess the network was congested, though sms evidently worked fine, but I really appreciate that she kept trying.

Christmas this side was a brief and quiet affair for the most part, which I’m grateful for as I’m really not into the whole Christmas spirit thing. It’s rarely a good time of year for me – last year, spent with Ash & her family, was a pleasant exception though – and this year even less so than the norm, given my work-related frustration & bitterness right now. There’s a line from a Kevin Bloody Wilson song which does a fair job of summing up how the last few weeks have been overall : “Ho ho fucking ho, what a crock of shit”.

Probably the biggest contribution to my “off” frame of mind at the moment though is that the mefliam has also been giving me a hard time of it again the last few weeks. Everything else I would likely have just laughed off, but the ugly mood swings on top of the rest have made it really hard to maintain a sense of perspective, and I’m really looking forward to when I no longer have to take them.

But enough of that. Like I say, it was a quiet Christmas here, & it was only from around the 23rd that there was any real sign that anyone here was paying attention to the date – all of a sudden a small tree & a few decorations were put up, & everyone with a radio started playing Christmas carols, incessantly and at full volume. The carols, however, were an especially painful form of torture for me, & I breathed an immense sigh of relief when the routine returned to normal on the 26th – if I ever hear Boney M, or that bloody “Candle in the Wind” by Elton John again, I’m going to go fucking postal because that’s all the music anyone played for 3 days. I cannot begin to describe how heartily sick of hearing them I am.

New Year is also likely to be a quiet affair. I’ll be back in the capital on the 31st – we’re being relieved a day early so that we don’t end up working both Christmas & New Year – and there’s a party planned at the base for the night, but I seriously doubt that I’ll be bothering. I’ll see how I feel on the day, but chances are that when I get back to the base on Saturday afternoon all I’m going to be interested in doing is getting my washing done, making a few calls, and then popping a few sleeping tabs so that I can sleep through the noise.

But, as I said earlier, I hope everyone reading this has a great time on the evening, & all the best for the year ahead.

And on that note, that’s about it for now. Again, I hope everyone has been having a great festive season, & I’m really looking forward to seeing my friends again sometime in the not too distant future. As soon as I have an idea as to when, & for how long, I’ll let everyone know.

Ciao till then though.

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