Tuesday, September 20, 2005

“Only the Good Die Young….”

September 12th 2005, 0515B

I realised yesterday that I’m getting old. Not so much mentally or emotionally, ‘cause in many ways I’ve never grown up, but certainly in the physical sense. This body is starting to show signs of wear & tear, & it’s a little disconcerting to be made aware that the years have taken their toll.

It’s the little things that have suddenly made me more aware of this. For example, I had a haircut yesterday, & I was rather surprised by the amount of grey hair I saw mixed in with the rest of the trimmings on the floor. Not that many to be sure, but I only noticed my first grey 3 hairs at the beginning of the year, & they seem to have been busy multiplying in the last few months. Like I say, there still aren’t many, & given that my hair is quite fair they’re also not noticeable unless you go looking for them, but I can no longer deny that they’re there.

But I’m really not fussed about the grey hairs themselves, because my hair is one thing I’ve never really given a shit about – about the only use I have for it is to help keep the African sun from broiling my brain, & given that I’ve got this big ass bald spot on my crown it doesn’t even do that very well. And besides, everyone knows that chics dig that grey-haired distinguished look. Well, some chics anyway. If you meet one that does, & who also has a thing for guys that smoke like a two-stroke, swear like a trooper, & have a keg rather than a six-pack, give her my number won’t you? Thanks ;)

A willing and amenable disposition, & a body like Pamela Anderson after she lost the silicone would also not go amiss, but I find that I’m not really so fussed about that side of things any more.

And if that’s not a sign that I’m getting fucking old then I don’t know what is lol

But I’m getting way off track here. As I was saying, it’s the little things that are making me feel my age. Actually, that’s a bit rich ‘cause I can’t actually say I’m “old” – I’m only in my early 30s’ after all, & that ain’t old by any stretch. Rather let’s say that I’m feeling “older”, though turning 30 was something of a rude shock I must admit. That one crept up on me all of a sudden, kind of like “What?! I’m 30? When the fuck did that happen?” :P

Back to the little things though. A few grey hairs & my receding hairline, the way my joints ache & I have to really work at it to touch my toes these days, my significantly lower bullshit tolerance levels and so on. Reading an article in an old Men’s Health with a title like “25 Signs You’re Getting Older – and Happy About It!”, and recognising 23 of the signs in myself. That was a sobering one. Funny, but still sobering.

Is this getting older a bad thing though? It happens to all of us sooner or later, so what’s the point in getting upset about it? Some of it is actually pretty cool in fact, though I really wouldn’t object to being in the physical condition I was in when I was 20. That was over ten years ago now though, & I know it just isn’t possible. And as much as I could, and really should, be taking better care of myself physically, I take comfort in the fact that no matter how hard I try, I will never look as battered as Keith Richards does when I reach his age – it takes serious long term effort to look that fucked up :P

But that’s a very poor excuse, so I’m going to have to make a plan to start getting into shape again. I’m not particularly fussed about the waistline, but my fitness level is in dire need of attention. It’s a bit tricky here though, as my schedule of two weeks in base & two weeks deployed makes starting & maintaining an exercise program difficult. I could easily enough join in with the guys who go jogging in the mornings here in town, but a) I loathe jogging, & b) I should actually avoid high impact exercises - such as running - like the plague given how there’s about half a kg of metal in my right ankle. Swimming would be perfect, and there are a few pools at the hotels & at the sports club nearby, but they all cost money I don’t have & I also wouldn’t be able to get to them while I’m out of town. I can do hundreds of crunchies & push ups every morning, but without the cardio workout I’ll be wasting my time.

I need to start something though. Apparently there is a gym here in town, & the rates are supposed to be reasonable, so I’ll look into that when I’m back in town in a fortnight. Even if it’s a two week-on & off program, it’ll be better than nothing.

Anyway, I’d best finish this off for now as it’s time for me to jump into the shower & start getting ready for work. I’ll add some more later in the day though, when I arrive at the base where I’m being deployed for the next two weeks. I won’t be going to Kabezi as I’d hoped unfortunately, but rather the new base they’re building here in town, but it’s still out of Bujumbura proper & away from all the assholes here :P

I will miss having the even limited access to the phone I have now, & getting to the net connected pc will also not be happening too often over the next two weeks. I’m sure I’ll manage though & I’m going to try to call a few people anyway before I leave the base.

Till later then ;)

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