Saturday, September 10, 2005


September 10th 2005, 2255B

Success :D

For those of you who'would like to have a look, I finally managed to get some photos uploaded to my album on

There's plenty more still that I want to upload, but it's a start at least & I'm bloody happy I eventually got the chance.

Hope you enjoy ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Ok, as promised I looked at your gallery, or at least, tried to. Either the link is wrong, or the gallery is hiccupping. I'm going with the hiccupping gallery as I think I've accessed it from your website before.

Babe, when you add your links to other websites, add a target="_blank" at the end of it. What that does is it opens the external website in a new window. It just makes it easier for your blog viewer to not have to click back every 5 minutes to get to your blog. So your links will look something like this:

a href="" target="_blank"

Anyways, I'll check it out tomorrow.
