Friday, February 03, 2006

Cheers, Dave…..

February 1st 2006, 1930B

I just got off the phone with my old lady in Howick, first time I’ve spoken to her in probably 3 or 4 weeks. I could really have done with a more cheerful, upbeat phone call in all honesty.

It seems that my uncle, Dave, died in his sleep about two weeks ago. He’d developed an aortic aneurysm over the last few years, and it finally let go. Given the size of the aneurysm, chances are he was dead before he even realised what was happening. I guess that would be the silver lining to the cloud.

He’d also been a desperately unhappy man for quite some time, since his wife – my mothers’ sister – died after a long & bitter fight with cancer about 3 years ago, so this probably came as something of a relief to him. Still, it’s never easy to feel good about it when a family member shuffles off the mortal coil, even when they’re likely far happier for it.

Anyway, I think I’m going to call it quits here. Till next time then.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm sowwy love :(